10 August 2007


Your Favourite Programmer

As a serious developer, you should have at least one favourite coder, your own programming hero. Each of us can always serve to learn a little more, so there's no reason why age or experience should preclude you from having someone to look up to. Your hero doesn't even have to be anyone famous - there's plenty to be learnt from your colleagues too. In no particular order, I present mine:

Peter Norvig
Check out his site, in particular his commentary/instructional Teach Yourself Progamming in Ten Years. He has released some breathtakingly beautiful python code for one of his AI books.

Scott Meyers
If only for his book Effective C++, which should be compulsory reading for anyone who writes even a single line of C++ in their lifetime.

Michael Kennett
A former colleague and informal mentor, who guided me from out the darkness of bedroom code monkeyism, toward the clouds of coding virtue.

If you have no idea who your favourite programmer is, you could either copyreuse mine, or read up on a few of your own. To give you a head start, here are some other programming legends:
Even software giants have their own heros!

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